The Glory of Youth Episode 49 End Subtitle Indonesia

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Sebuah cerita tentang sekelompok mahasiswa yang bergabung dengan tentara dan menjadi tentara kekuatan roket. Di bawah kepemimpinan prajurit tua dengan keahlian khusus, tubuh dan pikiran mereka diuji untuk menjadi prajurit yang matang. Xia Zhuo yang malang romantis, pria militer generasi ke-2 Ouyang Jun, bocah lelaki Lin An Bang dan raja yang ceroboh Yi Zi Meng adalah empat teman sekamar yang pergi keuniversitas yang sama dan tinggal di asrama yang sama. Untuk alasan mereka sendiri, mereka telah menjadi siswa yang direkrut untuk angkatan roket. Namun, ketika melihat pasukan tentara dan perasaan penyesalan melanda mereka. Dalam beberapa hari mendatang, Xia Zhuo dan anak laki-laki mulai menyadari hierarki dalam organisasi. Hanya pria yang telah menjadi tentara selama lebih dari 10 tahun yang dapat dianggap sebagai tentara. Hanya mereka yang berada di ketentaraan selama lebih dari 20 tahun yang dapat dianggap veteran. Mereka yang telah menjadi tentara selama lebih dari 25 tahun adalah harta karun. Saat mereka menghadapi senior yang berbeda dengan keterampilan yang berbeda, anggota baru menemukan diri mereka bertentangan dengan tentara lama. Meskipun demikian, perjalanan mereka berfungsi sebagai contoh terbaik dari apa yang ditawarkan kaum muda

Episode 1

480p(HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 2

480p(HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 3

360p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 4

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | MpUpload| Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | MpUpload| Solidfiles

Episode 5

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | MpUpload| Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | MpUpload| Solidfiles

Episode 6

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | MpUpload| Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | MpUpload| Solidfiles

Episode 7

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | MpUpload| Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | MpUpload| Solidfiles

Episode 8

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | MpUpload| Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | MpUpload| Solidfiles

Episode 9

480p(HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | MpUpload| Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | MpUpload| Solidfiles

Episode 10

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | MpUpload| Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | MpUpload| Solidfiles

Episode 11

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | MpUpload| Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | MpUpload| Solidfiles

Episode 12

480p  (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | MpUpload| Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | MpUpload | Solidfiles

Episode 13

480p  (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 14

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 15

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 16

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 17

480p  (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 18

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 19

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 20

480p  (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 21

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 22

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 23

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 24

480o(HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 25

480o (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 26

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 27

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 28

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 29

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 30

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 31

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | UQLOAD

Episode 32

380p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | UQLOAD

Episode 33

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | MpUpload

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | MpUpload

Episode 34

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | MpUpload

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | MpUpload

Episode 35

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 36

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 37

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 38

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 39

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 40

360p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidifies

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 41

480 p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 42

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 43

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 44

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 45

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 46

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 47

480p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 48

480p(HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 49 End

360p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 12

360p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

720p (HARDSUB INDO): Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Diposting pada:
Dilihat:1,547 views
Durasi: 45 Min
Tanggal Terakhir Tayang:16 May 2021
Jumlah Episode:50

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