Drama Korea: Through the Darkness
Dikenal juga dengan judul: Those Who Read Hearts of Evil
Judul asli (Hangul): Akui Maeumeul Ilneun Jadeul (악의 마음을 읽는 자들)
Sutradara: Park Bo Ram
Penulis naskah: Seol Yi Na
Pemeran utama: Kim Nam Gil
Genre: Thriller, mystery, crime, drama
Tayang di: SBS, Viu
Tayang perdana: 14 Januari 2022
Jadwal tayang di Viu: Setiap Sabtu dan Minggu, menggantikan slot drama yang sebelumnya diisi oleh drama korea Now, We are Breaking Up.
Total episode: 16 episode
Durasi: 70 menit

Drama Korea Through the Darkness berkisah tentang awal mula profiler yang harus melihat ke dalam pikiran mereka untuk mengusir setan yang tidak bisa disebut manusia di zaman ketika kata profiling tidak dikenal dan tidak ada konsep psikopat, ketika serangkaian penjahat keji seperti Yoo Young Chul, Jung Nam Gyu, dan Kang Ho Soon muncul.
Through the Darkness akan menjadi jenis drama lain yang akan memberi Anda perasaan mendalam dan ketegangan yang belum pernah Anda alami sebelumnya. Penulis aslinya, Profiler Kwon Il Yong, menjadi petugas polisi pada tahun 1989 dan menjadi pembuat profil pertama di Korea pada tahun 2000. Namanya diumumkan ke publik ketika dia membuat profil pembunuh berantai seperti Yoo Young Chul dan Jung Nam Kyu. Kim Nam Gil sekali lagi akan mencoba transformasi yang kuat dengan bertindak sebagai profiler dari tim analisis perilaku kriminal Badan Kepolisian Metropolitan Seoul, yang melihat lebih dalam ke manusia daripada orang lain dan melihat orang lain dengan lebih halus.
Kim Nam Gil sebagai Song Ha Young
Kim So Jin sebagai Yoon Tae Goo
Jin Seon Kyu sebagai Kook Young Soo
Ryeoun sebagai Jung Woo Joo
Gong Sung Ha sebagai Reporter Choi
Lee Dae Yeon sebagai Baek Jun Shik
Jung Soon Woon sebagai Nam Il Young
Episodes 1 Sub By VIU
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | SafeFile
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | SafeFile
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | SafeFile
720p (Hardsub Indo): Mp4Upload | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Uptobox | Acefile
1080p (Hardsub Indo): Fastdrive | Streamlare | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Uptobox | Acefile
540p (Raw/Tanpa Sub): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Usersdrive | HXFile | Streamlare | Racaty | Uptobox | Acefile
Indonesian / English subtitles ( indexsubtitle ) | Indonesian / English subtitles ( subscene )
Episodes 2 Sub By VIU
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Uptobox | SafeFile
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Uptobox | SafeFile
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Uptobox | SafeFile
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Uptobox | SafeFile
1080p (Hardsub Indo): Fastdrive | Streamlare | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Hexupload | Acefile
540p (Raw/Tanpa Sub): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Usersdrive | HXFile | Streamlare | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
Indonesian / English subtitles ( indexsubtitle ) | Indonesian / English subtitles ( subscene )
Episodes 3 Sub By VIU
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | SafeFile
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | SafeFile
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | SafeFile
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | SafeFile
1080p (Hardsub Indo): Fastdrive | Streamlare | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Hexupload | Acefile
540p (Raw/Tanpa Sub): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
Indonesian / English subtitles ( indexsubtitle ) | Indonesian / English subtitles ( subscene )
Episodes 4 Sub by VIU
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Uptobox | SafeFile
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Uptobox | SafeFile
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Uptobox | SafeFile
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Uptobox | SafeFile
1080p (Hardsub Indo): Fastdrive | Streamlare | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Uptobox | HexUpload
540p (Raw/Tanpa Sub): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Uptobox
Indonesian / English subtitles ( indexsubtitle ) | Indonesian / English subtitles ( subscene )
Episodes 5 Sub by VIU
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | SafeFile
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | SafeFile
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | SafeFile
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | SafeFile
1080p (Hardsub Indo): Fastdrive | Streamlare | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | HexUpload | Acefile
540p (Raw/Tanpa Sub): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
Indonesian / English subtitles ( indexsubtitle ) | Indonesian / English subtitles ( subscene )
Episodes 6 Sub by VIU
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | SafeFile
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | SafeFile
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | SafeFile
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXfile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | SafeFile
1080p (Hardsub Indo): Fastdrive | Streamlare | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | HexUpload | Acefile
540p (Raw/Tanpa Sub): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
Indonesian / English subtitles ( indexsubtitle ) | Indonesian / English subtitles ( subscene )
Episodes 7 Sub by VIU
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | MediaFire
1080p (Hardsub Indo): Fastdrive | Streamlare | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | UsersDrive | Racaty | HexUpload | StreamSB
540p (Raw/Tanpa Sub): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | HexUpload
Indonesian / English subtitles ( indexsubtitle ) | Indonesian / English subtitles ( subscene )
Episodes 8
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
1080p (Hardsub Indo): Fastdrive | Streamlare | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | HexUpload | StreamSB
540p (Raw/Tanpa Sub): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | HexUpload
Indonesian / English subtitles ( indexsubtitle ) | Indonesian / English subtitles ( subscene )
Episodes 9
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
1080p (Hardsub Indo): Fastdrive | Streamlare | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | HexUpload | Mediafire
540p (Raw/Tanpa Sub): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | UsersDrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | MediaFire
Indonesian / English subtitles ( indexsubtitle ) | Indonesian / English subtitles ( subscene )
Episodes 10
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
1080p (Hardsub Indo): Fastdrive | Streamlare | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | HexUpload | Mediafire
540p (Raw/Tanpa Sub): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | HexUpload
Indonesian / English subtitles ( indexsubtitle ) | Indonesian / English subtitles ( subscene )
Episodes 11 Sub By VIU
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
1080p (Hardsub Indo): Fastdrive | Streamlare | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | HexUpload | StreamSB
540p (Raw/Tanpa Sub): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | HexUpload
Indonesian / English subtitles ( indexsubtitle ) | Indonesian / English subtitles ( subscene )
Episodes 12 Sub By VIU
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
1080p (Hardsub Indo): Fastdrive | Streamlare | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | HexUpload | StreamSB
540p (Raw/Tanpa Sub): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | HexUpload
Indonesian / English subtitles ( indexsubtitle ) | Indonesian / English subtitles ( subscene )
Episodes 1
360p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
480p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
540p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
720p (Hardsub Indo): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Mp4Upload | SafeFile
1080p (Hardsub Indo): Fastdrive | Streamlare | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | HexUpload | StreamSB
540p (Raw/Tanpa Sub): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | HexUpload
Indonesian / English subtitles ( indexsubtitle ) | Indonesian / English subtitles ( subscene )
Admin up veriety show Racket Boys dong.. Please..
Through the darkness blom ada episode baru ya??
nggak tayang
kak, tiap ak dowload selalu aja tiba2 masuk sms berbayar dari 99999 atau lainnya,, pulsa ku kesedot mulu
coba pakai link hxfile
720p kapan?
min saran upload juga di mega & mp4upload, aku cek link drakor jadulnya mimin yg di up di mega ga kehapus karna pake human verification, kalo solidfiles ada sdikit yg kehapus yah, klo mp4upload juga dia ga kehapus, kalo uptobox premium susah jga, google drive juga kalo pake human verification sdikit yg kehapus kn min
di mp4upload nanti di up klo sub udah pakai sub viu
min, kok dsni cmn smpe eps 12? dramanya blm selesai tayang smpe eps 16 ya?
min, sorry yaa. trnyta cmn smpe eps 12. tpi tdi cari d gugel dramanya, ada yg blg smpe eps 16, makanya sya nanya wkwk